Leather Case for Apple iPad – Vertical Pouch Type (Black)

In the 80’s, Apple’s personal computer business experience in emerging competitors. The most important of them is the amount of the computer industry’s “top man" – IBM. IBM, IBM-PC type computers equipped with Intel’s new processor: Intel 8088, and run Microsoft’s operating system MS-DOS (IBM’s popular name is the PC-DOS). The advent of the computer once a favorite product (sales: 1981 20 005 1 000 units; in 1982 190,000 units; 1983 700 000 units).

While small businesses are still using the Apple II, Apple felt it needed a n

Leather Case for Apple iPad – Vertical Pouch Type (Black)

ewer, more advanced computer models to participate in the enterprise market. Apple III’s d

Leather Case for Apple iPad – Vertical Pouch Type (Black)

esigners were forced to follow Steve Jobs’s very high and sometimes unrealistic demands, it is said that cooling fan Steve Jobs “is not elegant," which was omitted, resulting in the computer can overheat, forcing the earliest models be recycled. In addition, Apple III expensive, although the 1983 release of the improved upgrade model, and subsequently carried out bargains, but basically, it is impossible to restore the Apple III disadvantage in the market, mainly because in 1981 IBM introduced The IBM PC and compatible personal computers hit the market. Apple III produced only a total of 90,000 units.

At the same time, Apple’s internal working groups are working around the clock design two new models completely different PC. Use of many advanced technologies, such as: graphical user interface, mouse, object-oriented programming and network functions. These people include Jiefulasi gold and Bill Atkinson, Steve Jobs encouraged the company’s focus on computer functions. In December 1979 they brought Steve Jobs to Xerox’s PARC research, the concept during a visit to their machines after Alto, Steve Jobs decided to focus on the future in the graphics, icons, computer friendly and will implement this idea in the Apple two next-generation computer project: Lisa and the Macintosh on. Apple to allow Xerox to investment as a condition of their own (a million-dollar sale of the initial issue of shares, worth about 18,000,000 dollars), for Apple’s engineers to enter PARC 3-day work of the Institute the right. And many of PARC researchers, such as 拉里泰斯勒 in opposition colleagues to join Apple Computer work. The Jeff Raskin due to disagreements with the design team withdrew from the Apple (Mac Raskin envisaged is a long horizontal body type, but without the mouse).

Lisa is a landmark computer, you can say no without Lisa Macintosh (Mac development in early, many of the software is designed in Lisa’s). She has a 16-bit CPU, mouse, hard drive, and support for graphical user interface and multitasking operating system. And bundled with 7 business software.

Lisa in January 1983 to 9,995 dollars worth the initial appearance. Once again, Apple introduced a product beyond its time, but the price is too expensive (10,000 U.S. dollars) and the lack of support from software developers, so Apple was once again lost market share business opportunities. Lisa was terminated in 1986, more than goods buried in the Utah landfill.
