I-1 World Muaythai 2009

Because the concert 98 World Cup theme song, “Cup of Life" and popular Latin singer Ricky world – Martin officially admit that he is gay, he announced through his official website this content, but also to his sexual orientation has been speculation around the painting full stop.

Rich – said they also thought after the Martin decision, Rich said: “There have been a lot of friends told me that ‘Rich, this incident (recognition of sexual orientation) is not important, why should you trouble then, not worth it. If you do before your career and reputation will be hurt or even complete collapse. ‘I know that many people may not be prepared to accept the things, including my faith, my truth, I nature. friends of the recommendations made are for my sake, because they are concerned about. But I have now decided to announce to the world the truth, I feel fear and anxiety, but now I have the courage to stand up and tell the world, today Can I make the head decision. "

Before Rich – Martin by the way somebody is pregnant gave birth to twins, Rich said he could have the courage to admit the reason why gay identity, a relationship with two children, Rich said: “I do Father After, I see a lot of things. in spirit they are my most important part of life, we do everything for them, cry with laughter, it all made me understand more heavy sense of responsibility. "

Rich – Martin in the open after they are gay to stop updating his blog, his last article, wrote: “I can openly admit their own gay pride, a courage
