Apple iPhone 3G (8GB/16GB)—Leather Case – Horizontal Pouch Type (Brown)

Foreign reports, the world’s largest manufacturer of graphic design software, Adobe Systems Wednesday said the decision not on the Apple iPhone and iPad other platforms continue to develop Flash applications.

In addition, Adobe will focus on the future development of the operating system for the Google Android software.

Apple iPhone 3G (8GB/16GB)?Leather Case – Horizontal Pouch Type (Brown)

Adobe product manager Mike Chambers said Wednesday at the official blog, Apple’s newly revised rules of software development, obviously do not want to Flash software, appear in the iPhone and iPad. Therefore, Adobe decided to no longer promote the compatibility of these two continue to work on.

Apple has announced that all future software to be directly through the iPhone and iPad prepared specifically the implementation of the system can not be developed using the Adobe program.

Analysts said that Apple hopes to maintain tight control over software development. Once Adobe technology and expanding, and developers will be able to write a similar application, Apple’s competitors, this way will reduce Apple’s competitive advantage.

Chambers’s statements to the conflict between former allies in a more open, in fact, back in 2007 when Apple introduced iPhone, Flash forward to encounter obstacles, since the tension between the two industry relationship has not diminished.

Chambers also remind the application developers, if continue to develop Flash for the iPhoneOS procedures must be psychologically prepared, because Apple may at any time for any reason to limit or remove programs.

At the same time, Chambers also said that Adobe is committed to developing the future for Google Android operating system to use Flash software.
